Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Baños y Ambato

February  8-12th

So this weekend, us Gringos went to Baños for the weekend to partake in the festivities surrounding Carnival. I talked to some Ecuadorian students at university, but they didn't actually know why they celebrate Carnival; 2 days off of school - who cares why?! Originally, Carnival took place in the days preceding the Lent. Carnival is a Catholic holiday that is supposed to celebrate the 40 days of abstention and penitence to remember Christ's crucifixion. Here in Ecuador, the traditions of Carnival apparently come before the arrival of Catholicism. Celebrating the second moon of the year, indigenous tribes would through flour, flowers, and water. Although my host mother warned me about the weekend - I still was not expecting what was about to happen.

We left for Baños on Friday morning. We wanted to go early so that we could do things in the day. We were the first group to go! (Although most of the international students went, we all left at different times and stayed at different hostels. We would meet up here and there, but wouldn't always all be together.) Once we got to Baños, our friends checked into their hostel. I couldn't check into mine yet because someone else made the reservations and to be honest, I didn't even know the name of where I was staying. So after we checked into the hostel, we went back out to explore the town. 

Making Candy! Very popular here!
Manual Labour

What was the first thing we came across? Puenting. I was kind of shocked when we walked up to this bridge and people were jumping off of it. Um,  can you say sketchy? I was thinking that maybe if it were through a tour company, it would have been more legit. But my friends wanted to do it! I stood by and took pictures while they all jumped off a bridge. For one, I wanted to make sure it was safe - so let them go first right?? Second, I wanted to know what it felt like or if it hurt at all. Where I was standing to watch, some guy asked me if I was going to jump. I responded with, I don't know, I am scared. Well, at least that is what I thought I said... In reality I said "Yo tengo mierda" instead of "Yo tengo miedo." Which translates to "I have shit."  So sorry dude, I can't jump because I HAVE SHIT. 

At least I jumped into a nice view!

That's me, right before jumping!!

Anyway, the feeling of jumping was really cool. The guy made you feel comfortable with what you were doing before you did it and let you practice your body position and when to jump. Once I stood up onto the ledge I was a bit scared, but ready! I was so excited. My friends kept saying don't look down. I was like, are you kidding?! I want to look! The fall was really short but I got some good butterflies! After the fall, you swing back and forth like a pendulum, it was so beautiful! It was one of those, I am in Ecuador moments. A moment when you feel overwhelmed, shocked, excited completely satisfied with every decision you have ever made and you realize how truly amazing you life is! I can't even describe to the fullest the sensation of an I am in Ecuador moment. Those moments seemed to happen a lot this weekend!

After jumping off a bridge, we walked around the town looking for a restaurant that looked appealing. I ordered a salad but when I got it, it was disgusting. It was like lettuce soaked in salt water. I couldn't eat it, so Andrea, one of the Mexicans asked if I could exchange it. (Sometimes it's nice to have them as a Spanish back up, but then it doesn't us try as hard!) From picking at everyone else's food (here, if you order something, it isn't yours - it's everyone's) I wasn't really hungry anymore, so when the waitress came back, I ordered a banana split. Since Tayt didn't like her lasagna (which was like cheese soup with a couple noodles at the bottom), I started to eat that as well. Banana split and lasagna - good combination. 

View of the Park from the restaurant

The church!! It was my reference point
 for how to get back to my hostel!
We were so full after dinner, but decided to get into our bikinis and head to the hot springs anyway. We had to buy a shower cap to get into the pool. It was quite the sexy look! The first bath we went to was super super hot. It took a long time to get into but once you made it, it was really nice! It almost felt like I was drunk - the heat and the altitude mix for a dizzying feeling. It was crazy. When we  got too hot, we dunked ourselves in the freezing bath. It was very cold but felt so good! Everyone was like, of course you like it - you are from Canada. 

Heeeeeey sexy ladays!


The next day, we got up early to head out for a bike ride through the mountains. I was nervous about it because I don't really like bike riding. Why? Because I am a lazy SOB. Plus it hurts my butt! But it was actually not hard. Most of it was down hill so it was super fun. It was a little scary because you are basically riding your bike down a mountain on the side of the highway. Cars are zooming by and it was a little rainy. However, every now and then, there were little side roads that were only for bikes. It would have been nice to have that the whole way, but it was an experience nonetheless! Our first stop was to Canopy (zip-lining!) It was kind of crazy - again there was this little stand on the side of the road with a cord to the other side of the mountain. I made sure someone else went before me! It was different than the other zip lines I have done - you laid on your stomach and got to fly through the air like super man! It was so cool. The only problem was that it when you fly through the air, the rain drops are like daggers slicing through your face. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad... 

Getting ready!

No turning back!!

We continued on our bike ride to see what else we could see. The views were stunning! We made it to this one area where we dropped off our bikes and went for a walk along the river. Eventually you walk down by a massive waterfall. The water wasn't too huge, but the fall was! It was absolutely incredible! I ate a sandwich while admiring the view! So prefect!! 

I am in Ecuador Moment

Oh, I forgot to mention that we watched a cow being killed - I have a video with some awesome commentary if you want to see it! It was crazy because it was right out in the open, with tourists casually walking by!
Once we were done there, we decided we would take a bus back to the town. There was no way I would be biking back up that mountain!! It was so weird how you find a bus. We basically stopped every second person to ask what bus we needed to take. What we found was a truck - it reminded me of movies where the Mexicans are trying to get across the border - you just hop into the back of a truck and ride along! Speaking of Mexicans, Andrea pulled out an apple and loaded it with chili powder... you know you are Mexican when.... It was quite funny. I tried a bit but I personally didn't like it. I think most of the others did though!

Later in the afternoon, we went Canyoning down a waterfall. I was actually quite scared! It was different than rock climbing because you go down instead of up and you are in a waterfall. I was really bad at it... I fell twice! And I am pretty sure I was the only one who did. After I fell twice, in a row to boot, the guy asked me why I couldn't do it. Um, I don't freeking know, why don't you tell me since I am the one who has never done this before!! It was a cool experience, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the other activities. My camera started to die while here so I started to be really conservative with my photo taking (and of course I forgot my charger!) 

We so hot in our wet, wet-suits! I also really like how creepy Tes looks!
Andrea, Hannah, Me, Tes, Tayt

All ready to go!

Waterslide down the water fall!

At one point, we had to jump off the edge, while the guide lowered us down!


On Sunday, we  got up early and headed to Ambato. We were supposed to see a parade "Fiesta de las Flores y de las Frutas" but unfortunately we missed it. I think it must have just finished when we were getting there because the streets were still super busy.

Okay! How to survive Carnival.
1. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting disgusting and bring a second set
2. Don't do anything nice with yourself because you will get disgusting (Makeup will be down your face)
3. Don't even bother trying to clean yourself - it's really just a waste of time
4. Don't be a Gringo, because that makes you a huge target
5. Be armed at all times
6. Be prepared for war!
7. Don't have sympathy for the kids
8. Saying "please don't" doesn't help
9. Wear goggles - your face is the target
10. Always be looking - you might need to turn your face last minute - they come from every direction
11. If you think someone won't shoot you, they are winning - of course they will get you.
12. Enjoy yourself! Laugh! (But not with your mouth open) 
13. Don't get mad when you get attacked after you have already dried off.

So these people stopped us on the road, handed Tayt the baby and asked if they could take pictures with us!! It was so funny! They wanted multiple poses with multiple people! HIGH-LA-RI-USSSS!

The rest of the day we walked around the city and saw events to do with the fruits and flowers.
-We walked through a park with monuments and other statues. 
-We went to a museum with incredible flower arrangements and other art work. 
-Saw performances by artists mainly dancing around the square, but also charicatures and handicrafts
-I really enjoyed the night there. All the vendors had their products on the streets and I go crazy for that stuff! I didn't buy a lot, but I really enjoy looking at everything!

All in all, it was a good weekend and a very different experience! One that I will never forget!


The last day of fun activities!! In the morning, me and Hannah went shopping in all the little stores around the town. There were a bunch of souvenir stores and also a little market. Seriously, markets are probably one of my favorite things about South America. Even though most of the stores are the same, every now and then you see something that catches your eye and you just have to have it! In this particular market I saw something I have never seen before... I watched a mother have her baby girls ears pierced! Normally, I don't like when babies have their ears pierced  but to do it in the market?! That is taking it to a whole 'nother level!  I am mostly concerned about sanitation!!

In the afternoon we went rafting. They gave us a big speech about safety after we got our wet suits on. I was nervous because it was all in Spanish. He talked really slow so I understood most of it. When I didn't know what he was saying, I would ask someone beside me. I think a lot of my nerves were because it seemed so serious. I was scared I wouldn't be able to do it properly! There were about six other boats that were also on the river - it would have been nice if it was just us, but they added some excitement (read on). Before we got into the river, we had to practice our rowing. I am glad I was sitting at the back of the raft so no one could see when I failed! Once we got onto the river, I realized that it wasn't so serious. Our guide was really quite fun! At one point, he stood on the edge of the raft. I took my paddle and poked his butt. He totally milked it and jumped into the water! After a bit, he was like "Oh my god, what is this, what is this?! He moved my foot as if he needed to look for something. (For those of you who have never rafted, you tuck your foot under a rope to help keep you balanced.) He then proceeded to push my in the river. It was actually kind of funny! The scariest part was when three other people fell off another raft. We were really close to them, so our guide threw out a rope to one of the swimmer and attempted to pull him in. As he was doing so, our raft got stuck in on a rock. I looked over to see if everyone was okay, and one of our guys was ass up in the air! Rescue one, loose one, I guess that is the way it goes! The other guy rode with us for a bit until we caught up with his raft. It was pretty intense! I wish I had a video, it was like a waterfall of events! At one point, we had to get out and walk because the rapids were too intense. Most of the way, we were riding in level 3, and at times level 4. It was so much fun though! When we finished, we went for Empanadas and hot chocolate! The hot chocolate was nice because it was so cold afterwards! 

Quote of the day, "Oh my gato."

Baños was such an amazing place and I am super excited to go  back! I made some great new friends and now have connections with the tour company! I can't wait to go to the jungle!


  1. Wow! What can a father say but Wow! What an incredible weekend! It sounds like its go go go for you. Do you have much down time? Your senses must be in overdrive. I can only Imangine all your own personal mark out moments during an excision like this. It seems so overwhelming just reading about it. I suppose you feel the same way experiencing it. I love the pictures from your weekend. Simply incredible. I can't wait to see them all. Love you lots!

  2. Oh my God Kelsey! It sounds like an incredible weekend! You're so damn brave doing all that...and so damn smart to let someone else try it first haha!! Your pictures are amazing. I can't imagine how it all makes you feel...makes my eyes well up when I'm reading. So happy that you are still enjoying and appreciating all the experiences. Keep being brave - and smart!
    Love you!
