Wednesday 9 January 2013

Day 4: Otavalo and Cuichocha Crater Lake

January 6

In the morning we had the chance to go to the biggest market of handicrafts in Ecuador; Otavalo.  I was so excited because I love to shop there. I ended up spending a lot of money on clothes like hats and sweaters. It is kind of silly because I am certainly not going to need them in Guayaquil! The hotel that we stayed at was so beautiful. These are some photos of the inside and of the view.

View from the bathroom

Muy bonita!
The market was not far from the hotel that we stayed at. It was a very hot walk. The first stand that I went to was with a guy who made jewelry and key chains. He spoke very clear English and was very nice. I found out that the typical food in Otavalo was Mote (which is a type of corn). I ended up buying a key chain - it was the tree of life caved into wood. If I remember correctly it was the wood of a palm tree. He also told me that he could me make a clip for my hair made of metal. He said it would go nicely with my braces. I thought it was so funny! I couldn't stop laughing. 

That would be Ivan milking my udders!
Preparing for +30 weather

 There is something I just love about the market. I am so much more confident when speaking Spanish. I think part of it is that I know how to say almost everything I need to when at the market. But is also that I love having the chance to talk with the local people! The colours are also so bright and vivid - it's nice to buy things but also just to photograph them! 
Common instrument in Ecuador
Charango (traditionally made of Armadillo shell)

We left Otavalo to head to Cuichocha Crater Lake. The lake formed when the volcano erupted inward and melted the ice on top. When it erupted the second time, two islands were formed in the middle of the lake. There are some animals that inhabit it, but after a fire, no humans live there. Before we got on the boat for a tour, a friend and I bought some really awesome hats. I thought they were the funniest things ever. It cost $3 but it was for a good laugh! 

Probably the coolest kids you will ever see!

If you wore the hat like this, you didn't have to hold your chin to the sky to see!

What we cruised in
We then headed back to Quito for the last time on our trip!

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey, I mark out every time I read one of your updates! You look so happy! Already it looks like you are having an amazing time. I sure hope you were not to tough on the marlet vendors. I've seen you in action! Although I miss you very much, I'm comforted by the knowledge that you are really having a once in a lifetime experience. I hope you continue to enjoy your time in Equador and I look forward to your next blog update. Love, DAD
